I was enjoying a peaceful drive into work yesterday, along the beautiful tree lined streets and on the radio was a special on songs by 李宗盛, known as the Taiwan godfather of Mandarin music but to me, is one of the best storytellers of his time. I admit I'm a little late to the realisation but I firmly believe everything comes at the right time, when you are ready to receive it. Whether it be music, poetry, film, photography, or architecture, creativity has a surreal way of taking you on a journey of self discovery and teaching you important life lessons, if you allow it.
Beginning with gratitude.
The journey you are on and the hard work you put into life, is not without the help of others whose words, support, inspiration and at times truth telling, can propel you closer towards learning about who you truly are and continue to be better.
For me, these past few years have been both good and bad experiences. There were highs and lows. There were tears and laughter. But along the way, I was never alone. I always knew the support system I had and in the darkest of hours I could see through the darkness. I can see more clearly now and recognize those that stood by me and continue to stand by me and inspire me. I will forever be grateful for their love, their patience, their grace and for never giving up on me, even when I was in the dark for a brief moment. Thank you for accepting me and loving me for who I am. In my darkest hours, each of you gave me hope and inspiration that runs deep into my very being. I have learned from each of you the tools to live with greater empathy and gratitude.
My promise to each of you is this - through everything that I do, create, live and learn, I will honor each of you and the life lessons you have taught me. I will continue to live the best version of me and never give up.
Lastly, 感謝李宗盛.
李宗盛 - 你們
有天若有人問 這一行煙塵滾滾 成敗不論 我給自己打幾分
我會說我很努力 也祈禱好運氣 而追根究 二十歲進了這一行 就靠你們
張亞珍 超級歌迷那兒都跟 離開學校 當我會計到結婚
楊世文 人比名字還斯文 每個演出後 的慶功宴
都哭得很大聲 他是家住桃園 害羞的工讀生
看多了進出浮沉 告別了青澀單純 沒有後悔 把每個掌聲都當真
不曾紅到駭人聽聞 不怕黯淡沒人來問 一路上 要不是你們這些人 我不可能
趙婉芬 你鼓勵了我的靈魂 讓我告訴你 我的感激有多深
鄭正坤 剎那成不成永恒 我會找時間想想 有一天當我 厭了鎂光燈
你那些哲學兮兮的問題 別在歌友會討論
是你們 千真萬確沒有疑問 這風光虛榮 才會有我應得的一份
謝謝你們 一分一秒的青春 只要歌還在唱著 我答應不會 讓你覺得悶
我今天的承諾 用這首歌來作証 我今天的承諾 用這首歌來做証
Open your eyes, look at those around you and say thank you.
Narrative: Kaizen
Photography: 相信音樂國際股份有限公司